Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Wednesday Aug 2nd 2006

Joel Collins inducts our newest Rotarian, John Wilkins

New member, John Wilkins, with sponsor, Molly Cousins

Youth Exchange student, Beth Oliver, with mom, leaving for Finland this Saturday

August 2, 2006
Reporter-- Jim Wellman

President Molly Cousins called the meeting to order. Following that Chuck Larsen opened our meeting with prayer, after which the Club recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Harvey Hoots introduced our visiting Rotarians, whom hailed from various Rotary Clubs across the midlands. He also introduced our other guest, Mike McClay’s wife who was attending with him this morning.
Joel Collins, standing in for Lyman Whitehead, entertained us with several references to his "family".
Larry Stohs passed around several copies of our Club directory asking each member to check the accuracy of the information it contained. He indicated we should have the directory in the next several weeks.
Jim Jeffers gave a brief presentation on the 4 Way Test. He indicated that at President Molly’s request that will be increased emphasis on the Test this coming year.
Mike McClay introduced our exchange student, Beth Oliver. Beth is on her way to Finland.
Blount Shepard announced that the next adopt-a-highway Saturday would be August 19th. He promised a special breakfast to all of those who participate.
President Molly assisted by Joel Collins inducted our newest member to our Club, John Wilkins.
Ben Heritage reported that the golf tournament raised over $7,000. He thanked everyone for their assistance and participation.
John Adair, prior to introducing our speaker shared a humorous story with us. This prompted many in the Club to wish for a speedy return of Lyman Whitehead. After the groans died down he introduced Dr. Paul Wieber as our speaker. Dr. Wieber is a retired energy expert having worked for several organizations and the Federal Government in his career. He is a fellow Rotarian and lives in Chapin. Dr. Wieber shared with us the following points:
In the United States 80 % of our energy usage is in the form of fossil fuels,
with nuclear, solar, wind, and geo-thermal sources accounting for the majority of the remainder.
He indicated that there is estimated to be a 1000 year supply of coal, while natural gas supplies are only expected to last 20-30 years.
70% of the world oil supplies are believed to be in the Middle East.
He passed around a chart showing that world wide oil production is only expected to rise until 2010. After which he expects a decline in production.
His recommendation is that we as a nation take the following steps. Conservation, smaller cars and increased reliance on renewable energy sources such as nuclear, solar and wind.
The meeting was then adjourned by President Molly.

version #2 (different reporter)

Last Meeting
August 2, 2006
Reporter – Judy Johnson
President Molly Cousins called the meeting to order. Chuck Larsen delivered the invocation and Joel Collins provided the group with Health and Happiness. Harvey Hoots introduced three guests and Larry Stohls gave a report on the Rotary yearbook. Members were asked to review lists that were circulating and to note approval of their information or edit changes that were necessary.
Jim Jeffers gave a brief presentation on the 4-Way test and challenged all Rotarians to learn the 4-Way test which included: Is it FAIR, is it the TRUTH, will it afford GOODWILL and is it BENEFICIAL to all concerned? Jim plans on challenging Rotarians on a monthly basis to recite the 4-Way test and he will bring prizes.
President Cousins announced there would not be a Board meeting tomorrow. Blount Shepard reminded the group that the next "Adopt a Highway" clean up was scheduled for Saturday, August 19 and those participating will be fed a wonderful breakfast of Shrimp and grits. Michael McClay introduced Beth Oliver and her mother Susan. Our club is sponsoring Beth on a trip to Finland. Ben Herritage gave a report on the golf tournament which resulted in over $7,000 profit to use for our Rotary projects. Way to go Ben!!! President Cousins asked Joel Collins to assist in welcoming new member John Wilkins, an attorney, into our Rotary Club.
John Adair introduced our speaker, Dr. Paul Wieber, from the Chapin Rotary Club. Dr Wieber is a chemical engineer and has devoted over 40 years to the energy industry. He cautioned the group that our natural gas supply is depleting rapidly and we need to do our part in conserving this form of energy. Over 70% of the oil used today comes from the Middle East. Given the current crises in the Middle East, there is a concern about future availability of oil. He suggested the following steps for us to take: conservation is the easiest, purchase lighter automobiles that use diesel fuel, reduce speed limits and consider purchasing hybrid vehicles. Molly Cousins thanked Dr. Wieber for his presentation and the meeting was adjourned.

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