Last meeting
February 28, 2007
Reporter – Tim Williams
President Molly Cousins called the meeting to order and asked John Adair to lead the invocation. Chuck Larson, acting Sergeant-at-Arms, introduced guests. Lyman Whitehead provided Health and Happiness. Lyman also informed all members of the passing of Dr. Carey Hite's father. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Carey and his family. The funeral is to be held today at 3:00 p.m. in Florence.
President Molly reminded all members of the up coming District Conference and requested assistance with the display. Barry Johns passed around a sheet to sign up to volunteer for the morning invocation. Jim Jeffers spoke about the "4 Way Test." Ron Funderburk recited the "4 Way Test" and won the Hawaiian door prize.
President Molly introduced our guest speaker, Mary Pat Baldauf, the Executive Director of Keep the Midlands Beautiful. Mary Pat is the proud owner of a black lab named Winston.
Mary Pat stated Keep the Midlands Beautiful is a non profit organization interested in mainly these areas.
1. Litter Prevention
2. Recycling
3. Beautification
She shared 9 Ways we can help the environment without giving up a Saturday, selling your SUV, or radically changing your way of life.
1. Kick Butt
If you smoke, please dispose of cigarette butts properly. If you don't smoke, help us educate smokers by starting those you know.
2. Bust a Litterbug
Use Palmetto Pride's Litter Busters Litter Hotline to report litterbugs on highways and by-ways in the Midlands and throughout SC.
3. Recycle Your Old Mobile Phone(s)
Recycle your old mobile phones through Keep the Midlands Beautiful or another organization that reuses them or disposes of them correctly.
4. Recycle Your Phone Book
Telephone books are not accepted in any curbside recycling programs in the Midlands; your only chance to recycle them is during Keep the Midlands Beautiful special telephone book recycling program now through March 15.
5. Buy Recycled
Use your purchase power to buy products made from recycled materials and items packaged in recyclable packaging.
6. Be Republican, Be Democrat: Just don't be a Pollcat
Pollcat: a litterbug who puts posters and signs on polls and trees before an election and doesn't remove them when the election is over.
7. Make the Switch
The next time you need to buy a light bulb for your home, take a moment to look at the variety of compact fluorescent bulbs (CFBs) available - your electric bill and the environment will thank you for it.
8. Choose to Reuse
Before you discard something, think about how you or someone else may be able to use it again.
9. One a Day
You don't have to Adopt - A - Highway to make a difference; you can help by resolving to pick up at least one piece of litter each day.
Mary Pat noted the up coming event "Midlands Makeover," which is to be held March 1st thru May 1st.
President Molly thanked Mary Pat for speaking today. After Happy Dollars, President Molly adjourned the meeting.