Monday, November 29, 2010

Nov 17 2009

Lake Murray Irmo Rotary Meeting Minutes November 17, 2010

President Judy opened the meeting with John Adair leading us in Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Lyman Whitehead humored us with a little health, happiness and Happy Dollars. Darren Bouknight introduced our guests and Jacque Kleynenberg reminded us the Babcock Center is raising funds by selling a special Christmas ornament.

Our annual Christmas Party is being held at MurrayWood Swim and Racquet Club on December 3rd. No meeting will be held the week of ThanksGiving.

Scott Moseley of Irmo Insurance Agency gave his classification speech.

Jeanette Coulter introduced our speaker, Kathleen Shaw of Sistercare. Her hope is to get the word out as to who they are and what they do as most people are not familiar with their organization. They operate three shelters in the metro area, two in Lexington and one in Richland County, providing a safe haven for women and their children who are victims of domestic violence. The shelters have the appearance of a routine home in an older neighborhood. These shelters are always full with an average stay of 27 days. Sistercare served 661 individuals last year (399 women 262 children) however they had to turn away 260. Sistercare is very involved with children. Most of their clients are mothers with school age children. The children are placed in school and provided counseling. Domestic violence is a cycle, stopping the cycle begins with children. The counseling is provided to the family while in the shelter and after they leave. Some families continue counseling for many years. Unfortunately many victims go back to the situation which brought them to Sistercare. It can take leaving the situation as many as seven times before the individual is successful in separating themselves from the violence and abuse. Success is heightened when the victim’s children become involved. Sistercare provides legal aide and will go the court with the victim. They also operate a 24-7 crisis line, a rural outreach program, speakers’ bureau and volunteer program. It is estimated 33% of all female ER admissions are due to domestic violence.

Their funding is received from the Federal and State Government, United Way, Foundations and benevolent contributions. Their funding is down due to the economy however as the economy and funding go down their need goes up.

Questions were fielded and President Judy adjourned the meeting

Monday, November 15, 2010

November 10, 2010

Lake Murray-Irmo meeting of 11/10

The meeting was convened by President Judy Johnson and Jeff Baldwin led us in a very poignant prayer that focused on Veteran’s Day.  Sergeant-at-Arms Darren Bouknight introduced three visitors to the meeting:  Ellen Moore, Terry Klosterman and Dorothy Goodwin.  We had a significant number of announcements, reminders and updates, which were as follows: 
-         Reminded to turn-in the money from sale of Belk’s fund raising tickets. 
-         Reminded about our renewed involvement in Meals-on-Wheels, where we have responsibility for delivery twice a week.  
-         Reminder to sign-up for the Christmas party to be held at Rawl’s Creek on Friday evening, December 3. 
-         Visitor Terry Klosterman reminded us of the flyers on each table for the annual fund raiser of the Spring Valley Club. 
-         Ginny Barr provided a Foundation moment, describing the Permanent Fund, an endowment to provide long-term stability to the Foundation.  The Permanent Fund was started in 1930, currently holds $579.4 million and there are four means by which a Rotarian can make a contribution.  Several of our Club’s members have made contributions to the Permanent Fund. 
-         Eddie Robinson provided a very nice review of the major articles in the October edition of the Rotarian Magazine. 
-         Jeff Baldwin provided an update on the Tour de Lake Bicycle Rally and Brooks Williams updated us on the Tour’s fund raising efforts, encouraging us to offer any potential suggestions, with a goal of securing commitments by year end. 

Bill Brooks provided the weekly classification talk.  He revealed that he is a 1956 graduate of the Citadel, has a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Florida, worked as a research chemist in the private sector for 30 years and spent the final 15 years of his career as head of the Department of Agriculture’s research efforts in SC. 

Lyman Whitehead introduced our speaker Barbara Wilm, VP of Community Relations for the Lexington County Health Services District. Barbara has responsibility for representing the Medical Center in community outreach efforts.  She began her career with the Medical Center in 1986, running the operating room in the Irmo satellite facility.

Lexington Medical Center opened on 1/7/71.  Its original location was to be in Batesburg-Leesville; however, the Hulons donated the property off I26 with the agreement that the couple could live in the hospital until their deaths.  Upon opening the Medical Center occupied 75,000 square feet.  This has grown to 1 million, with an additional 1 million in remote facilities around the county.  They operate the largest nursing home for Alzheimer’s in SC, the Carroll Campbell Place and in 1986 opened the first ambulatory care center in the State, in Irmo.  Lexington Medical currently employs 5,039 and last year they had 19K patients, delivered 3K babies, had 95 patient visits to the emergency room (second busiest in the State) and had 145K patients in their urgent care centers.  The Medical Center off I26 is land-locked; therefore they have purchased 44 acres on Long Pond Road to accommodate future growth.  The cardiac center will begin operations in the coming year after reaching agreement with Providence Hospital and Palmetto Health.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Nov 3 2010

Pictured: Dutch Fork, Justin Suber, Elliott Fralick, Coach Tom Knotts, President Dr.
Judy Johnson, Irmo: Coach Bob Hanna, ,Nolan Dorton, Shaquille Counts, 
The Lake Murray Irmo Rotary Club were honored to have football coaches Tom Knotts of
Dutch Fork High and Bob Hanna of Irmo High speak to our club this morning about this
weeks game where the Silver Foxes play the Yellow Jackets in the final game of the
season.  The Coaches spoke of the respect they have for each other and their
players. They are looking forward to a tough game and both know their players are
going to give it all they have. Each Coach brought with them two representatives
from their team, the young men spoke to us about their college plans as well as
their desire to win on Friday night. It should be a great game. Go support your
team!  Friday night, November 5th, 7:30 at Dutch Fork Stadium.
The rotary club or Lake Murray-Irmo is a service organization that happens to meet
on Wednesday mornings!  Sure, breakfast is important, but that isn't what we're
about .  We do good things for great people as we try to make the central Midlands
of South Carolina a better place while also fulfilling our commitment to the goals
of our great Rotary district and Rotary International.  Consider us a dedicated cog
in the great Rotary wheel!  Please visit when you can...we'd love to see your
smiling face at 7:30 AM on a Wednesday. For more information on our Rotary club
contact Michael Cromer 803.781.3000
Lake-Murray Irmo Weekly Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 7:45 by President Judy Johnson.  The invocation was delivered by Blount Shepard.  Guests were introduced by Darren Bouknight.  
The Belk Charity Sale is taking place this Saturday November 6th from 6AM-10AM.  Tickets are $5.
Tuesday November 9th is the annual Chuck Larsen Silent Auction.  It will be held at the Radisson.  Tickets are $25/person or $40/couple.
November is Foundation month for Rotary.
Health and Happiness and Happy Dollars were given by Lyman Whitehead.
Larry Stohs introduced Tom Knotts, Dutch Fork High School football coach and Bob Hanna, Irmo High School football coach.  Both were asked to say a few words regarding the matchup at Dutch Fork High School this Friday night November 5th
Rod Funderburk introduced our speaker, Karly Miller, who was sponsored by the Lexington Rotary Club and was awarded a Rotary International Ambassadorial Academic Year Scholarship for the 2010-2011 school year.  She will be studying in Lima, Peru.  Karly is originally from Chicago, IL, but relocated to Cincinnati, OH at the age of 1.  She graduated from the University of South Carolina with a degree in Marine Science.  She spoke to us about the scholarship process and what she hopes to learn while studying abroad.  
Meeting was adjourned at 8:27.