Monday, December 15, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Nov 19 2008

Rotary Minutes 11-19-08

President Eddie made an important announcement at the beginning of the November 19 meeting of the Lake Murray-Irmo Rotary Club. This information was a reminder that there will be no meeting next week, November 26, in celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday.
Emilie Keene informed Rotarians of the Christmas party that will be held Monday evening, December 15, at Chestnut Hill Plantation. Plans are to start at 6-6:30 p.m.
A special donation was made from our club to the Meals on Wheels program at the Senior Services Divsion of the Irmo-Chapin Recreation Commission.
The program was given by Chief Daniel Johnson, Chief Deputy at the Richland County Sheriff's Department. Chief Johnson discussed the benefits of his experience as a GSE member on a team to Sweden in 2004. He summed up his experience as "Challenging Your Limits While Expanding Your Boundaries." He has found traveling internationally and experiencing new cultures to be most beneficial not only to him personally but also to the law enforcement profession. Sheriff Lott has been most influential in allowing law enforcement officers to participate in various international cultural exchange trips. Chief Johnson pointed out our need for global experience in the global world of the 21st century. It is important for employees to care globally, and learning about other cultures helps to facilitate that attitude. The Richland County Sheriff's Department has implemented several new policies learned from law enforcement agencies of other countries. Chief Johnson encouraged Rotarians to participate as GSE team leaders and to recommend non-Rotarian employees to serve as team members.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Nov 12 2008

rotary nov 12

The meeting was called to order by president Eddie Robinson. The invocation was presented by John Adair. Health and happiness was well received from Lyman Whitehead.

Joel Collins congratulated Eddie Robinson on behalf of the club for receiving the prestigious “Distinguished Service Award” from the Clemson Alumni Club.

We were reminded of our Christmas Party at Chestnut Hills Monday, Dec 15, 6:30 PM.

We were also reminded of Rotary’s requirement to attend at least 50 % of the meetings; we can make up, even on the internet.

Two prospective new members are Charlene Amick, RN, Clinical documentation specialist, and Brian Buck, Irmo Chief of Police.

Laura Adair was our guest speaker. Laura is a media specialist at Irmo elementary school. She is also “Teacher of the Year”. Laura presented slides and an interesting presentation of some of the responsibilities of a media specialist, such as : maintaining the library, researching sources, internet oversight, circulation desk, assist teachers, help with biographies, computer lab, and other responsibilities. Although Laura says the internet is gaining in importance, she fells books will always be with us.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 AM.

Reporter: Mike McClay

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

November 5 2008


The meeting was called to order by President Eddie Robinson. Health and Happiness was presented by Lyman Whitehead. Judy Johnson reminded the membership of the Irmo Chamber Auction on November 13.

Classification Talks were delivered by Bill Kopelman at Carolina First and Brooks Williams at Ballentine Group.

The Interact Group at DJJ raised funds and their current Preisdent presented a check for $300 to Special Olympics. The Interact Group challenged the Rotary Membership to meet that donation and the Membership donated $328.

Our speaker was Elliott Epps, Director of City Year.

In 1994 Elliott attended a Servathon and embraced the idea of 1 year of service to the community. City Year encourages young people (18 – 25 years) to give 1 year of service and leadership to country. Columbia’s City Year program is one of 18 in the United States. It gives young people a chance to make a change for the good of the world.

For more information their website is

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

October 29 2008

October 29, 2008 – Minutes for the Lake Murray Rotary Club Meeting. Submitted by Lyn Richards.

The meeting was opened with our invocation given by Chris Joye. John Hanson introduced our visitors, and this being the Wednesday before the election, we were graced with the presence of Political candidates Joe Wilson and Chip Huggins, along with other visitors. Lyman delivered health and happiness. Jay Stewart has transferred his membership to our club, and was congratulated and welcomed by President Eddy. Kelly Payne was congratulated on being selected as Walmart’s Teacher of the Year. Patty Cavanaugh made a special presentation to Joel Collins as a Rotary Foundation Benefactor.

Happy Dollars were led by Judy Johnson, who gave out “treats”, including an ornament in support of the Babcock Center. Contributions were lively.

Our speaker, Converse A. Chellis, III, the South Carolina State Treasurer, was introduced by Lyman Whitehead. Mr. Chellis spoke to us about the State Treasurer’s Office on two fronts: some of the interesting accomplishments of the office, and what is going on in Columbia. For Mr. Chellis, safeguarding the assets of South Carolina is paramount.

After weathering two budget cuts of more than 3%, Mr. Chellis’s office has created a task force of 17 people who unanimously created and adopted a plan to fund the “unfunded mandate” of COLAs (cost of living increases) of $9.8 billion, while saving SC taxpayers over $3 billion. The office has returned over $11 million in unclaimed property to SC residents, up from a previous average per year of $6 million. They have attracted more SC residents to the Future Scholars Program. What used to have a 53% participation from non-residents has turned into a 55% participation by residents. He has been actively managing the “Bid South Carolina” program, where banks are encouraged to bid for money that the banks in turn use to loan to consumers. His audit background as a CPA has made it important to him to perform due diligence on the state’s investments. He keeps an eye on preservation of principal as well as maximizing earnings; and he closely monitors reserve accounts for security and adequacy.

In Columbia, he was glad to note that the Budget and Control board did not opt for across-the-board spending cuts, but had targeted spending cuts.

In closing, he stressed the importance of integrity in the State Treasurer’s Office. He cited all the influences in his life that have stressed this attribute: family, church, scouting, team sports, his Citadel education, his CPA profession, and his community service with Rotary.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

October 22 2008

President Eddie opened the meeting with the invocation by Jim Gadsden with thePledge of Allegiance following. John Hansen introduced guests, noting the strongpresence of our Interact Club members. Chief Buck of the Irmo Police Deaprtment wasalso introduced. Lyman Whitehead got multiple responses to birthdays andanniversaries, but no divorces noted. He also provided an update on the smartblonde on the golf course. Lynn Campbell updated everyone on the October issue of the Rotarian Magazine withoutsubjecting us to a quiz – that is on the agenda for next month. George Staples gave President Eddie two flags from his recent trip to South Africawhich focused on potential sites for a Rotary sponsored orphanage, an internationalproject involving our Club. Dena Englekens and John Freeman from our Interact Club at Dutch Fork High Schoolgave classification talks with John and our speaker exchanging comments on John'supcoming graduation. Our speaker was Dr. Herb Berg, Interim Superintendent for Lexington-Richland SchoolDistrict V. Herb noted the effort involved over 25+ years to build up the qualityand reputation of our schools, which he vividly demonstrated by comparing homeprices in adjacent communities with school systems not as highly rated as ours. Heprovided background and facts supporting the need for the bond referendum on theballot next month to ensure the quality of our school system does not begin tofalter. The bond will support improvements in some of our older schools, while newbuildings will reduce the student population in others to the number of studentsthat the schools were designed to accommodate. The District V website also providesmore information on the school system and bond issues as well as the views of theSchool Board candidates in the upcoming election.-- Jeffrey W. Baldwin, FACHELighthouse Healthcare Associates, LLC

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Oct 15 2008

Rotary Minutes – October 15, 2008

The meeting was called to order by Eddie Robinson and the invocation was given by Lyn Richards.

Ginny Barr presented Perfect Attendance Awards for 07-08 year.

Receiving awards were:

Beetle Bailey

Lynn Campbell

Patty Cavanaugh

Jeannette Coulter

Rod Funderburk

Larry Stohs

Lyman Whitehead

Eddie Robinson inducted two new members to our Club, Bill Kopelman and Brooks Williams.

It was announced that Gov. Sanford would be speaking at the Chapin Sunrise Club on Thursday, 10/16/08, at 7:30 am. All were invited to attend.

New Club Bylaws were distributed for review and discussion. After a few questions, the Bylaws were approved by the club membership. Many thanks to Jeff Allen for his hard work in drafting our new rules.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

September 24 2008

Irmo Lake Murray Rotary Club

Meeting Minutes

September 24, 2008

President Eddie Robinson called the meeting to order at 7:45 a.m. followed by the invocation by Theresa Miley

John Hanson introduced several guests and visitors.

Visiting Rotarians:

Jay Seward – Columbia Club

David Braugth Columbia Club

Fred Medway Five Points Club

Lyman Whitehead delivered our Health and Happiness thoughts for the day.


Lyn Campbell shared interesting exerts from an article in The Rotarian Magazine about the personality characteristics of the last 4 generations.

Jim Wellman announced (and pleaded) that we still needed volunteers to man our booth at the Okra Strut Friday and Saturday.

Emily King reminded the club about the Fall Social Wednesday Oct 1st 5:30 p.m. at Saluda Shoals Park. There will be no morning meeting on the 1st.


“Shadow Day”
President Robinson introduced John Adair and Kelly Payne who have worked hard on this year’s “Shadow Day”. Dutch Fork High School students spent the day on the job with their Rotarian mentors. John shared inspirational words about the importance of mentoring young people and the positive impact that each of us can have on the lives of others. Several members shared their plans for the day and introduced their Shadows. The program was closed with an inspirational poem read by John’s wife Ellen..

Thanks to John, Kelly and all the members who contributed to this important Rotary function.

Member Student(s)

Judy Johnson Jessica Grant and Ashely Frietas

Maria Hargrave Rachel Baldwin, Hope Stanley, and Alyssa Scott

Bob Berry Reggie Gallant and Terah Counts

Dr. Minhas Kaitlyn Ward, Adrienne Hinton, and Paige Record

Ben Heritage Rachel Brown

Eddie Robinson Sarah Payne, Jordan Riley and Cameron Sandel

Irmo PD Chris Spry, Carlton Gregory, and Christian Greene

Theresa Miley Bradlee Koon

Blount Shepard Kirsten Hulon

John Adair Bobby Grant

Skey Caskey Bobby Livingston

Larry Stohs Ryan Smith

The meeting was adjourned by President Robinson at 8:30 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Jack Terrell

Thursday, September 18, 2008

September 17 2008

President, Eddie called the meeting to order and Stan Bugner led us in theinvocation and pledge. The introduction of visitors and guest followed. Emily andCourtney were here pursuing an infamous scholarship from Rotary. Stan Bugner gave us his version of health and happiness. Larry Stohs reminded usabout Shadow Day and invited us to join him in shadowing some of our young folks.Sign up and receive a T-shirt. We also passed around a sign up sheet for Okra Strut.Plan to attend we all have lots of fun. Jenny Barr introduced our speaker Jim Knight. Jim is from the South Carolina Dept.of Labor, Licensing and Regulation. He was here to talk to us about "Illegal Aliensand Private Employment " Census says that South Carolina has the fastest growingillegals, it all boils down to is effected July 1, 2009, The new Law will come intoeffect. that will effect employers who hire illegals. First offense must becorrected with in 3 days. Second offense they shut down the business. If LL&Rdetermines the rules were broken they contact Department of Home Land Security.(Making for a bad day, worse) You can use E-verify service to help business verifypersons. Jim, answered questions form Ben. Kevin, Blunt, Scott and Chip. I just could nothear what was said:) Kelly Pane thanked all who supported the students during a recent project. Meeting adjourned

Friday, September 12, 2008

September 10 2008

Last Meeting
September 10, 2008

Reporter Barry Johns

President Eddie Robinson opened the meeting followed by the invocation by Ginny Barr. John Hanson introduced several guests and visitors. Lyn Richards delivered our Health and Happiness and recognized several birthdays and anniversaries.

Kelly Payne announced that WACH FOX TV has shown an interest in promoting INTERACT. The station may feature INTERACT at Dutch Fork High School.

Okra Strut sign up sheets were passed around to staff the Rotary booth at the Okra Strut. The dates for the event are Friday, September 26 and Saturday, September 27.

John Adair announced that Job Shadow Day for Dutch Fork High School students will be September 24. He encouraged all to participate.

Dr. Minhas spoke of his faith and his personal journey.

INTERACT students, Bobby and Jessica Grant, introduced themselves to the Club and spoke of their families, their interests, and their dreams.

Bill Danielson introduced our guest speaker, Morihiko Nakahara, Director of the South Carolina Philharmonic. Mr. Nakahara spoke of his initial interview process and why he likes Columbia. He explained why the Arts are important, reminding us of the social, educational, and economic impact that the Arts have on our community. He also spent time educating us on the role of a Conductor/Director as he leads in practice and in concerts.

President Eddie Robinson closed the meeting.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

September 3 2008

A fine crowd gathered today fo our weekly Rotary breakfast meeting at Seven Oaks Park. Our esteemed President, Eddie Robinson, for those of you who haven't attended in awhile, opened the meeting. Bob Berry gave a thoughtful prayer, thanking the good lord for all our blessings. John Hanson introduced zero guests which is quite unusual. We did, however have a gaggle of Interact students in attendance, which is always nice to see. Kelly Payne gave a brief report on that clubs activities and membership which now stands at over 100 Dutch Fork High Schoolers.

Lyman Whitehead, as always, wowed us with some humor about a couple senior citizens and a Chicken, or was that a Gamecock. We tried to ask Beetle Bailey for confirmation but he was still licking his "Bama" wounds!!

Joel Collins then asked the club to interact more with the interact club kids (and vice versa). We are all creatures of habit and should do a better job of interacting with these great kids. Also, don't forget the Interact club's Kick - Off Party at Gatsbee's on September 15th at 6pm.

Jim Wellman, Okra Strut Chair, showed us the new t-shirt and reminded us of our "service above self" credo. Everyone needs to be active with this years Okra Strut on the last weekend of September. Sign up sheets will be forth coming.

John Adair provided a wonderful educational meeting last week and our thanks go out to him and his lovely wife for hosting the club. He also mentioned "Shadow Day" coming up on September 24. Please sign up. That is a fun half day with the leaders of tomorrow!

Happy dollars galore got kicked off by "yours truly" and continued until almost lunch time. I demanded an accounting from President Eddie but he was last seen boarding a flight to Mexico, I think.

Our speaker was Kim Bowers of our host location, the Irmo Chapin Recreation Commission. He heads up the Senior Services division. Kim discussed the ICRC's Council on Aging, one of only four statewide affiliated with a recreational department. They provide both generational programs as well as community involvement programs. Some of the services provided include, Meals on Wheels, nutritional and phsical activities, temporary medical equipment, case managers, senior games and Project Love (Let Older Volunteers Educate) with Leaphart and Chapin Elementary schools. Many questions followed. It is great to see services expanded for our senior citizens and better yet to volunteer to serve them.

The meeting was adjourned by President Eddie. Next week, September 10th, we are very excited to have the new Maestro of the SC Philharmonic, Morihiko Nakahara speak at our club. I will be introducing him as I have begun to get to know him since I am on the Board of Directors of the Philharmonic. Fellow Board Member, Harold Crawford and I ask that you all attend to meet Morahiko, he is a talented and energetic guy. I look forward to seeing you there.

Past President
Bill Danielson

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

August 27 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Rotary Club of Lake Murray- Irmo
Vocational Service Off-Site Visit
Adair Piano

President Eddie Robinson called the meeting to order. Visitors and Interact students were introduced and welcomed to the meeting. The breakfast meeting was conducted in the Parish Hall at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church

2nd Annual Interact Club Kickoff
Kelly Payne reported that the 2nd Annual Interact Club Kickoff was scheduled for Monday, September 15, 2008 from 6pm – 9pm. The kick off will be held at Gatsbee’s Restaurant located at 7585 Saint Andrews Road, Irmo, SC. The lasagna dinner is $5 per person. Kelly encouraged club members to get involved with this event to welcome the Interact members back and to encourage them. If you would like more information contact Kelly Payne the Interact/Rotary Advisor at 803.767.0875.

Okra Strutt
Jim Wellman reported that the Rotary Club of Lake Murray-Irmo would be selling t-shirts at the Okra Strutt this year. A sign up sheet will be passed around during the September 3, 2008 meeting. Jim provided a sample of the t-shirt design for club members to preview.

Health and Happiness
Health and happiness was given by Lyman Whitehead.

Shadow Day
John Adair reminded the club that Shadow Day was scheduled for Wednesday, September 24, 2008. John indicated that he needed additional volunteers (about 12) to sign up to allow a student to shadow them for half of a day.

Classification Speeches
Nathan Ballentine and Emilie Keene both conducted classification speeches during the meeting.

On Site Vocational Tour of Adair Piano
When the business meeting was adjourned the club moved to Adair Piano for the on-site vocational tour of Adair Piano. John and Ellen Adair welcomed Rotary members to their store and provided a tour of the facility and an overview of: craftsman architecture, history of building, history of the piano, history of the business, new players and products, digital and musical instrument digital interface. Ellen Adair provided a demonstration of the Rinky Tinky Piano.

John Adair reported that the next off site visit would be at the Lake Murray Dam and Bob Moseley was coordinating that for the club.

Reporter – Marylou Stinson

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

August 20 2008

Kathryn Barton, Director of the 11th Circuit Solicitor’s Office Juvenile Arbitration Program with Ginny Barr and Chip Lyerly

Rod Funderburk with Courtney Gibson

Lake Murray-Irmo Rotary Club Meeting August 20, 2008 Report:

President Eddie Robinson brought the meeting to order, John Adair gave our invocation, which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. John Hanson, Sergeant-at-Arms, announced visiting Rotarians David Braught and John Stewart of the Columbia Rotary Club and Fred Medway of the Five Points Club. Jeff Baldwin introduced Bill Kopelman as his guest and Kevin Metz introduced his daughter, Lily, a second grader at River Springs, who he said had been mooching off of him all summer so he was taking her to work today.

Health and Happiness was given by Lyman Whitehead. Congratulations to Johnny and Pat Jeffcoat who are celebrating their 42nd wedding anniversary.

John Adair told us that Shadow Day will be September 24, 2008. A sign-up sheet was passed for Rotarians to host a student for half a day (no lunch to follow this year).

John announced on August 27, 2008 we will be meeting at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church Parrish Hall for breakfast and then a vocational service off-site visit next door to Adair Piano on Lake Murray Boulevard.

President Robinson said that Jack Terrell’s mother has passed and to remember the family in our prayers.

Lynn Campbell gave us a quiz on The Rotarian magazine.

Rod Funderburk gave a Foundation Scholarship update. We had two winners last year. This year, we sponsored three students and all three were winners! Courtney Gibson visited with us today and will be traveling to Ecuador and studying Spanish. Jessica Silvaggio and Emily Stanek are the two other winners:

Emily Stanek – May 08 graduate of USC with a major in Sociology. She was seeking an academic year Ambassadorial scholarship to Mexico.

- Courtney Gibson – May 08 graduate of USC with a major in Political Science. She was seeking a 3-Cultural month scholarship to study Spanish in Ecuador.

- Jessica Silvaggio – junior at USC majoring in Broadcast Journalism and Spanish. She was seeking a 3-month Cultural scholarship to study Spanish in Spain.

We are looking for scholarship candidates for next year and were asked to be thinking about potential candidates and Foundation giving. We have the opportunity to sponsor two applicants. Lynn Campbell added that since 1964, figures for Rotary Foundation amount to $1.8 billion. Rod thanked his committee (John Wilkins, Emilie Keane, Ginny Barr and Patty Cavanaugh) for helping with the interview process. George Staples praised Rod for the work he does with the Foundation.

We had a very successful giving and sharing of Happy Dollars. Thanks to all who participated! President Robinson reminded us of the CART fund.

Ginny Barr introduced our guest speaker, Kathryn Barton, Director of the 11th Circuit Solicitor’s Office Juvenile Arbitration Program. Ms. Barton has been Director since 1990 and has been the recipient of many awards for her work in this capacity. She gave a history of Youth Services which became the Arbitration Program in 1983. There are approximately 85 volunteers in the 11th Circuit. There is a 24 hour mandatory training course for the juveniles. The juveniles are between the ages of 12 to 17, mostly white males, but the program is starting to see a lot of female offenders. Volunteers meet with the juveniles for one hour follow-ups for 90 days. The Arbitration Program has a 90% success rate. However, if they are put at DJJ, there is a 70% chance they will reoffend.

Ms. Barton said there is a “how to say no” program at USC for female offenders. This program involves touring prisons, sheriff’s departments, Midlands Tech (regarding GED programs), Carolina Wildlife, fire departments and nursing homes. It has been found that kids love responsibility. One of the courses teaches team work and requires the kids to write essays about their experiences. She said they have never had a negative essay and the kids find it a learning experience. Volunteers are also taught to recognize gang symbols. Ms. Barton said that gangs are in every school district, in every level of social strata. She said that more drugs are seen in affluent areas.

In summary, Ms. Barton said that it only takes a little bit to change the path of a child.

President Robinson presented Ms. Barton with a speaker’s gift. He announced the meeting would be at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church and Adair Piano next week. The meeting was adjourned.

Reporter - Patty Cavanaugh

Our Club's Scholarship Recipients - And How to Reach Them


The two scholarship recipients that the club sponsored in 2007 will be leaving around August 25th to participate in their scholarship program. Each of them will be posting journal entries on blog sites during their adventure and friends, Rotarians, and supporters are invited to keep up with them through those blogs.

- Samantha Martin will be going to Ireland for an academic year. Her blog site address is

- Ashley Rhoderick will be going to Egypt for 3 months. Her blog site address is

Linking to their blogs through the Lake Murray-Irmo blog site would be wonderful. Please pass this information on to the club members.

Rod Funderburk

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Aug 13 2008

Miller Macarthur answering Lynn Campbell’s auto question at Wednesday’s meeting while Patty Cavanaugh looks on. Photo by John Adair

President Eddie called the meeting to order.

John Hanson (Sgt of Arms) introduced our visitors and our interact team from Dutch Fork High School.

Lyman Whitehead gave us a great Health and Happiness story. His wife Joann is home and is doing well. Lyman thank our club members for their prayers, visits, thoughts for his wife during this trying time.

Lyman knows how to run all house machinery now. (washing machine, dryer, dish washer, etc)


· Larry Stohs – Need contact information for all members. Please update the information or call Larry with updates.

· Patty Cavanaugh – Foundation Update – approximately $900,000 - -new district record

o Major Donors – 21 new ones –

o Each club asked to give $1000 per year for Polio plus.

· John Adair – 2 weeks (27th) from today the meeting will be at Adair Piano. Later going to Dam Power House.

· September 24 – Shadow day – Please sign up 9 am to 12

Comments from President Eddie: Service above Self –

· Club members will be asked to help our club. Expect a call.

Classification Speeches:

Marie Hargrave

· relatively new member

· USC grad

· Columbia is home

· 2 children

· Palmetto Health Foundation – job

· Likes to read, cook, traveling

· Member of Youth Core Board

Speaker: Miller McArthur

Owner of Men @ Work

1112 Meredith Dr

Just of Lake Murray Blvd

Columbia, SC 29212

(803) 407-1462

Web address:

3 children and wife

Likes to travel – visited all US states except Alaska

Likes driving Jeeps.

11 years in the business

Works on all cars

Questions and Answers:

· Transmitters are in tire stems that control air pressure.

· American cars have substantially improved in quality.

· They major problems with more expensive cars.

· Japan has a high standard of quality.

o Keep money is US.

· Cars have become more computer driven. Computers in car are more dynamic that first computer that went to the moon.

· If the car “Check Engine” is on, it is OK. If it is flashing, stop the car and get it checked.

· It takes limited gas to start the car.

· Higher performance cars need higher grades of gas. Spark knocks incorrectly if using low grade gas and it will damage the engine.

· Every 10,000 miles put Chevron gas treatment with Techtron with a high grade gasoline to help fuel filters. Run the tank close to empty, put in the Chevron gas treatment, and fill the tank with a high grade gasoline.

· Miller changes oil every 3000 miles.

Christopher Joye

Thursday, August 07, 2008

August 6 2008

Rotary 08/06/2008 Submitted by Scott Moseley

President Eddie called upon Harold Crawford to give our invocation. John Hanson introduced visiting Rotarian Alan Shumaker from the St. Andrews Club. President Eddie reminded us all to contribute to the C.A.R.T. Fund.

Jeanette Coulter gave us an update on JoAnne Whitehead. Mrs. Whitehead came home from the hospital Tuesday after a two week stay. She is doing better and Lyman should be back at Rotary for our next meeting.

Several members contributed money for Happy Dollar time.

John Wilkins introduced our two Dutch Fork High School scholarship recipients. Marsha Counts will be attending Francis Marion University and wants to study nursing. Sarah Bixler wants to study mathematics.

Ginny Barr introduced our guest speaker Jarrod Haning of the SC Philharmonic. Mr. Haning plays the viola with the symphony. He is also a licensed pilot, Realtor and sky diver. Mr. Haning gave a motivational talk relating to his life as a musician.

John Adair offers music lessons to two young musician wannabees

Friday, August 01, 2008

July 30 2008

Lake Murray-Irmo Rotary Meeting Club – July 30, 2008 Meeting Report

The meeting was called to order by Rotary President Eddie Robinson and the invocation was given by Jim Gadsden. There were several visitors that were welcomed for the meeting – Fred Medway was visiting from the Five Points Rotary. Ryan Baskins one of our Rotary Scholarship recipients was visiting. Former long serving LMIRC member, Jim Jeffers was also visiting from Sun City and Past President Beetle Bailey had a table full of visitors most from the Federation of the Blind which he introduced to the group.

Unfortunately Lyman Whitehead’s wife, Joanne, is hospitalized and he was unable to attend the meeting this morning. Please keep her in your prayers. So Eddie Robinson asked Beetle Bailey and Jim Jeffers to share a few stories about his knee replacement for Health and Happiness. Beetle was happy to recommend that you DO NOT wake up early in surgery. Palmetto Health Baptist Hospital has GREAT hamburgers. And, Palmetto Health Baptist is full of Carolina Gamecock fans so Beetle made sure to wear as much orange as possible. Jim Jeffers said he and his wife enjoy living in Sun City in Hilton Head Island area. 85% of the folks in Sun City get around by golf carts including going to the grocery store, drug store or even the golf course. Jim has been taking wood turning classes and is doing more wood working.

Our two classification speakers were Mary Lou Stinson and Lynn Campbell (because Tim Williams was present). Mary Lou was introduced to Rotary in High School through the Interact Club. She was born in Rhode Island but moved here during high school. She attended USC for undergraduate and graduate studies in Public Health and Social Work. Mary Lou believes in and volunteers with groups that assist children with disabilities. She is very involved with the Special Olympics. She is married with two children ages 4 and 6 years of age. Her passion is educating about Colorectal Cancer because it is preventable.

Lynn Campbell was born and raised in Columbia. Lynn’s Dad was the former Police Chief of Columbia. He started his college career at USC but transferred to Clemson. Completed Dental School in Kentucky where he met and married his wife. They came back to Columbia and started his dental practice in 1965 and he still enjoys going to work every day. He has two children and three grandchildren. His daughter is an attorney and a son that is a dentist. Lynn has been a member of the LMIRC since it was founded.

Beetle was called upon to make a special check presentation by Eddie Robinson. Beetle made a check presentation to Frank Coppel from the Federation of the Blind for $360 representing our Happy Dollars collected last year. Frank Coppel thanked the group for the gift and said that the money was going towards helping them replace an ice machine.

This morning’s speaker was Anna C. Huntley, Public Information Officer for the Small Business Administration and was introduced by Patty Cavanaugh. The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) was created in 1953 as an independent agency of the federal government to aid, counsel, assist and protect the interests of small business concerns, to preserve free competitive enterprise and to maintain and strengthen the overall economy of our nation. We recognize that small business is critical to our economic recovery and strength, to building America's future, and to helping the United States compete in today's global marketplace. Although SBA has grown and evolved in the years since it was established in 1953, the bottom line mission remains the same. The SBA helps Americans start, build and grow businesses. Through an extensive network of field offices and partnerships with public and private organizations, SBA delivers its services to people throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, the U. S. Virgin Islands and Guam.

When the U.S. Congress first established SBA, the fundamental question was just what numerical definition should SBA use to define small businesses, industry by industry, to determine what businesses were eligible for SBA's programs. Over the years SBA has established and revised numerical definitions for all for-profit industries, and this numerical definition is called a "size standard" and can be founded in the SIC Standard Industry Codes. It is almost always stated either as the number of employees or average annual receipts of a business concern. In the most general of terms businesses with less than 500 employees is considered a small business.

Anna Huntley spoke specifically about four programs offered by the SBA. #1 Financial Assistance. The SBA can offer loans with capped interest rates, longer repayment period among other options. #2. Contracting Assistance. This program helps small businesses offer their product to the Federal Government. In fact, it is required that 23% of contracts must be awarded to small businesses. In FY 2007 small businesses in South Carolina received 11,901 contracts representing over $1 billion in transactions. #3. Business Counseling. This program will provide services for small businesses at no charge like accounting services or the SCORE Counseling program. #4. Small Business Awards Nominations – This program seeks to award small business owners in their industry for the work they do. There are many awards that are given for recognition such as Small Business Person of the Year or Champion of Causes. Nominations deadline is in the fall and a complete listing of awards can be found on their website at

Respectfully submitted,

Maria Hargrave

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

July 23, 2008

Lake Murray-Irmo Rotary Club July 23rd Meeting Report -

The meeting was called to order by President Eddie Robinson and the invocation given by Patty Cavanaugh. Fred Splittsberger, a frequent visitor from the St. Andrews Rotary Club was welcomed back. It was announced that past President Beetle Baily was still in the hospital but is doing well and expects to be out of the hospital and back with us by next week.
Candidates for Rotary Scholarships were acknowledged and Lyman Whitehead shared some humor with us before our speaker for the day was introduced.

The morning's speaker was Hon. James E. Smith Jr. who is in the SC House of Representatives from District 72. Mr Smith is also a Captain in the SC Army National Guard, recently returned from a year of active duty in Afghanistan. He shared with us his experiences in Afghanistan and offered many insights into the problems being experienced in that part of the world. He displayed a map of Afghanistan, specifically Zabul Province where most of the conflict is concentrated owing to the actions of the Taliban combatants. Kumar Province is also the site of Taliban attacks on both civilian and military targets. No conflicts exist in much of Afghanistan.

Afghanistan is largely primitive with poor roads and lacking in many basics such as schools, wells and many of the basic needs of life. The U.S. Military is trying to address these matters in constructive ways by building schools, establishing wells for potable water and building trusting relationships to counter the destructive influence of the Taliban.

Working with the people requires interpreters which creates a problem because the enterpreters become targets for beheading by Taliban groups. Complicating matters is the illegal drug trade and widespread corruption among influential Afghans. Marijuana and opium can be legally grown in most of the country and is a widespread source of corruption and lawlessness.

U.S. Military operations in Afghanistan are plagued with problems such as improvised explosive devices "ied's" and rifle propelled grenades "rpg's". The so-called MRAPS, vehicles fitted to be non-vulnerable to ied's and rpg's are of limited value because so much of the terrain is extremely rough lending itself to attacks by the ied's and rpg's.

Mr. Smith makes a strong case for more troops to deal with the problems in Afghanistan and concentrating on things such as building schools, drilling wells and building mutually beneficial relationships with the people.

Respectfully submitted

Bill Brooks

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

July 16, 2008

Minutes of Lake Murray Irmo Rotary Club
Reporter: Kevin Adams

After the invocation, John Hanson was called upon to introduce our guest from the West Metro Rotary Club, Ryan Hubbard. Lyn Richards was our pinch hitter for Health and Happiness. Jeff Baldwin was recognized for his 65th birthday while Barry Johns and his wife celebrated their 24th wedding anniversary and Larry Stohs and his wife celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. John Adair was then called upon to announce the classification speaker and invocation schedules for the remainder of the year. Next, Rod Funderburk advised that our Ambassadorial Scholar, Samantha Martin, has a blogspot for her journey to Northern Ireland: . Her email address is .

Being the impressive club that we are, we (okay a mere few of us) impressed Lyn Campbell by successfully answering his Rotarian magazine questions. It was most fortuitous “we” scored well since our District Governor, Anne Walker, and Assistant District Governor, George McConnell, were present. A second occasion to impress Ms. Walker and Mr. McConnell was Patty Cavanaugh’s induction of Gaye Campbell, Lynn Campbell’s wife, as a Paul Harris Fellow.

President Eddie Robinson put a twist on the Happy Dollar theme by creating a challenge between two former club presidents (one of which who was not present) to see who could raise the most Happy Dollars. President Eddie started things off well with a $2 award to the Absentee Former President to get him started off on the right foot. Joel Collins, the other former club president in the challenge, returned fire with a $20 Happy Dollar. When all the dust has settled, Former President Joel had $124 to Absentee Former President $4. It was the first time more than $100 had been raised in Happy Dollars in a single day!

Assistant District Governor George McConnell introduced our speaker, District Governor Anne Walker. Ms. Walker is no stranger to Rotary. She has been a Rotarian since 1988 and is a former president of the Columbia Club.

Ms. Walker started by asking how many of those present were in sales. Several folks raised their hands. She then asked the remainder of those present to raise their hands. She explained why everyone had their hands up: we are all in sales. Every time we go somewhere, we sell our personality, we sell our company with those whom we talk business, we sell our faith, etc. We also sell Rotary.

Every successful business has one thing in common: a plan. To grow Rotary membership, we must also have a plan. So Anne suggested ROTARY:

Reach out to those we come in contact. Share Rotary.
Opportunities are out there for us to advance Rotary. Seize those opportunities.
Take people by the hand. Lead them around Rotary meetings.
Ask people to come to Rotary. 90% of Rotarians have never asked anyone to a meeting.
Retention. We must retain members if we are to grow.
You need to be an advocate of Rotary if you want our club to be a great club.

She then distributed a 3X5 index card and asked everyone to write a name of a potential Rotarian on it. Anne then insisted we fold the card twice and keep it in our pocket until we ask that person to a meeting.

In the last five years, District 7770 has been recognized twice as having the largest per capita giving of all the clubs in Rotary International. In addition to repeated that feat, this year Anne would also like to add 2,000 members to our present 4500 members.

Anne then cited RI President Dong Kum Lee’s theme of “Make Dreams Real.” His initiatives include curtailing child mortality, improving literacy and providing safe drinking water in the poorest regions of the world. To reach for those initiatives, Anne reminded us of opportunities through Rotary Foundation. There is the Paul Harris Society for those who contribute $1,000 or more per year to the Foundation. Major Donors are those who contribute $10,000 or more to the Foundation. Then there is the Bequest Society for those who set aside $10,000 for the Foundation in their will. Benefactors are those who set aside at least $1,000 in their will for the benefit of the Foundation. While in Hilton Head on March 25, 2009, International President Dong Kum Lee will present pins to Major Donors and Bequest Society members. In Sumter on September 18, there will be a Rotary Foundation Seminar for all those who would like to attend.

The District Conference will be held in Columbia from March 20-22, 2009 (Friday through Sunday) at the Hampton Inn and Convention Center in the Vista. The Conference will kick off with a luncheon on Friday who speaker is an outstanding humorist. Anne promises it will be nothing more than pure entertainment and she encouraged our club to move our normal meeting date that week to Friday. The remainder of the weekend is filled with activities and outstanding speakers and will conclude Sunday morning with a worship service.

Finally, to help make wonderful things happen in our club, Anne presented Eddie with an illuminated magic wand to waive over the club. Somehow I have a feeling we will be seeing more of that!

Lastly, Eddie reminded Board members of a meeting Friday morning at 7:30 and advised us Former President Beetle Bailey is doing well in rehab. Being no further business, Eddie adjourned the meeting.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

July 9, 2008

July 9th, 2008 Lake Murray-Irmo Rotary Meeting

President Eddie Robinson called the July 9th meeting to order with the pledge of allegiance.

Guests in attendance for this meeting included Allen Shumaker, the Hood Family and President Robinson’s Wife Sylvia.

Lyman Whitehead gave us a few stories to show why we should be proud to be an American.

A few announcements were made that included acknowledgement of the SC Jr. Golf Association being awarded the distinction of a Top Jr. Golf Group in the country by Golf Digest Magazine. Past President Beetle Bailey was recognized and wished a speedy recovery from Knee replacement surgery. Carl Manheim was recognized and is said to be recuperating well. An encore appearance By Representative James Smith is scheduled for July 23rd since there was an abundance of interest in his topic last week.

President Elect Ginny Barr introduced today’s guest who is with the SC Department of Education’s PACE Program- Mr. Dick Thompson.

Mr. Thompson explained the Program of Alternative Certification for Educators (PACE) to the Rotarians as a program created by Governor Dick Riley in 1984 as part of the Education Improvement Act. PACE is designed as a program for those considering a Career change to earn a Professional Teacher’s Certificate in three years while being employed as a classroom teacher. PACE teachers account for 10%-12% of the approximately 5000 teachers hired in South Carolina each year. The Pace teachers are placed in Critical Needs Subjects i n middle and high schools around the state.

To become a PACE teacher you need to take the Praxis Exam and attend an intensive 10 day training program. For three years you will take classes and attend workshops while you also teach in a classroom under the supervision of a teaching mentor.

Mr. Thompson answered questions on the program that details the Critical Needs Subjects. For additional information you can go to

President Robinson thanked Mr Thompson for speaking and presented him with a Rotary pin. Some additional announcements were made to let the Rotarians know that going forward we will have Happy dollars on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday meeting and Classification Speeches on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday meetings. Also the CART fund buckets will be on the tables every Wednesday for your donations.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Rotarian of the Year

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Past President, Beetle, presents Rotarian of the Year award to Carey Hite

Past President Beetle made a special presentation for the Rotarian of the year to Dr Carey Hite. Dr Hite has initiated 4 new Rotary members and runs the blog for our club.

July 2nd 2008

Ginny Barr introduces our speaker

Our Speaker Representative James Smith

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President Eddie (first day as our new President) with our speaker SC Representative James Smith

Reporter Notes 2 July, 2008

President Eddie Robinson called the meeting to order and the JROTC Color Guard from SCDJJ posted the colors.

Mrs. Medway from the Five Points Club and Mr. Stewart from the Columbia Club were recognized as guests.

Member John Wilkins daughter Haley Grace (fourth grader at River Springs Elementary) made a gift to the club of $8.00. This is money she has earned by working a lemonade stand and car wash in her neighborhood.

Past President Beetle made a special presentation for the Rotarian of the year to Dr Cary Hite. Dr Hite has initiated 4 new Rotary members and runs the blog for our club.

President Eddie Robinson introduced the officers for the upcoming year.

John Adair made an announcement for members to sign up for the invocations at meetings.

Lynn Campbell announces he was going to be quizzing the club again on the Rotary magazine but was considerate enough not to start at this meeting.

President-Elect Ginny Barr introduced our speaker The Honorable James E Smith, Jr.

Representative Smith is a native of Columbia. He is a graduate of USC and obtained his law degree in 1995. He is a partner in the law firm of Smith, Ellis, and Stuckey PA, serves in the House of Representatives for District No. 72, and served as a JAG Officer and Infantry Officer in the South Carolina ARNG.

Rep. Smith spoke to our club about his tour in Afghanistan as an embedded tactical trainer. His primary job was to defeat the Taliban forces by developing connections and mentoring local tribesmen in the Jaldak and Qalat region.

He lived and operated with 9 other US soldiers, interpreters and body guards out of a fire base that maintained constant combat operations in his area. He and his fellow soldiers had to be constantly vigilant because the Taliban rewards $80,000 for the assassination of US soldiers.

The Taliban forces numbered about 400 – 500 in the area and lived and worked among the locals so they were difficult to identify. During his tour they were able to eliminate about 120 – 140 Taliban fighters including a Mullah that had been able to evade capture on numerous attempts by our special forces.

Rep James talked about many positive changes taking place. One is that when a unit’s tour is up they are being replaced by other qualified soldiers to continue the past achievements. Rep James said that even though we need a larger presence that the forces there are winning over villagers which in turn reject the Taliban forces. Also, he said the most significant change was that the Afgans understood that there are sacrifices to be made in order to improve the situation for future citizens.

Rep. James told the club about some of the challenges that we still face in the area. One problem he identified is that Afghanistan supplies 90% of the world’s opium. Due to the corruption within the government and the money involved he said it is difficult to control the trade. Also, he said the Taliban is resorting to more aggressive tactics primarily due to the successes made by the military. Another problem he revealed was with Afghanistan’s neighbor Pakistan. He said that due to some cultural divides and historical conflicts it appears as if Pakistan is trying to undermine the new government’s efforts.

Monday, June 23, 2008