June 27, 2007
Reporter – Si Amick
President Molly opened her last official meeting followed by the invocation by Jim Gadsden and the Pledge of Allegiance. John Hanson introduced a host of guests including Beetle’s family which included his wife Debra, daughter Catherine and son James. In Lyman’s absence, Joel Collins delivered our Health and Happiness with a great courtroom story and we all agreed, the husband should be there for both events. Molly also announced we would be inducting 3 new members on July the 11th : Mr. Bill Brooks, Mr. Jeff Allen and Dr. David Isabell. Several birthdays were acknowledged, including Herb Harrison’s BIG “50”.
Molly opened her review of the past year from her hand written notes. Lightning hit her house and they were forced to spend the night in a hotel. She had her laptop, but no printer. Well Molly, the “old fashion” way worked fine, job well done and we are thankful your family is OK.
Dr. Lynn Campbell presented Glen Landry and the Irmo Little League’s Challenger Program with a check for $550.00. What wonderful program!
Eddie Robinson did a wonderful job with Paul Harris presentations to Catherine and James Bailey. This completes Beetle’s family, as they now have four Paul Harris fellows. What a commitment to Rotary!
Molly thanked all for a successful 2006-2007 year. Molly, thank you for your leadership and a successful year as marked by the following:
1. The establishment of an Interact Club at DJJ
2. Growth in the Dutch Fork Interact Club
· 2 college scholarships awarded
· “Alive at 25” sponsor that may have saved a young life
3. Dictionary Project
4. Harbison State Forest Project
5. Charity Golf Tournament and Art Auction
6. Great social events including Fall Oyster Roast, Christmas Social, and Summer Social at Pine Island
7. Scholarships for 2 elementary students to travel with the District Choir to Disney World
8. Home Works heater project
9. Awarded an Ambassadorial Scholarship
Note: This short list and does not include all the successful projects for 06-07.
Also presented were awards for perfect attendance: 1 yr. Jim Gadsden; 2 yrs. Patty Cavanaugh, Larry Stohs and Ginny Barr; 3 yrs. Beetle Bailey; 10 yrs. John Adair; 12 yrs. Lyman Whitehead; 16 yrs. Jeanette Coulter; and 18 yrs. Lynn Campbell. Molly asked all to stand and give a round of applause to each other for a successful year.
George McConnell then confirmed Beetle as President for the Lake Murray- Irmo Rotary
Club for the 2007-2008 Rotary year.
The meeting was concluded with Beetle’s first official act by presenting Molly with the Past Presidential pin and plaque.
We all will agree the 2006-2007 was another successful Rotary year.
Club officers and board members sworn in