The Rotary Club
Lake Murray-Irmo
Meeting Minutes
September 12, 2007
Reporter: Tim Williams
President Beetle Bailey called the meeting to order.
Ginny Barr gave the invocation.
John Hanson welcomed all guest.
Lyn Richards filled in for Lyman Whitehead and provided Health and Happiness. Lyn also gave an update on the Rotary Foundation and stated there are 15 members who can become Paul Harris fellows for less than $500.00. Lyn stated this year’s goal is $15,500.00
Larry Stohs reminded all that dictionaries are being delivered today by the Dutch Fork High School Interact Club. Larry stated that Kelly Payne needs help driving students back to the High School this morning and requested volunteers.
Jim Wellman gave an update on the Okra Strut and stated additional volunteers are needed for the ticket booth. Jim reminded all that free “T” shirts are provided.
Ben Heritage gave an update on the Golf tournament and stated He has received information from some of the teams but many of the teams have not responded.
Eddie Robinson introduced today’s guest speaker, Byron A. Wiley who is the Director of the Office of Access & Equity for Clemson University. Eddie stated he first heard the phrase: “A chain is only as strong as the weakest Link” from his band director when he was in school. Eddie stated that he did not fully understand the phrase at that time but his experiences at Clemson University have provided some insight into its meaning. Eddie elaborated by saying this phrase can be applied to many situations in life, one of which will be addressed today, which is South Carolina’s weakest link within the K through 12 public education system commonly know as the “Corridor of Shame” . Eddie stated Mr. Wiley heads up the Emerging Scholars Program at Clemson University which provides hope for effecting change for the students who live in this area in the lower part of the state up and down I-95.
Mr. Wiley stated he has been at Clemson University for eight years. He stated the Emerging Scholars Program was started in the summer of 2001. He made reference to a “Tale of Two Highways” as it pertains to South Carolina’s K through 12 public education system. Mr. Wiley stated it is a known fact that when there is a higher tax base in a county the public school system is better and when there is a lower tax base the public school system is poorer. Thus Mr. Wiley stated that this fact is the case in South Carolina. He stated the industrial I-85 corridor has a higher tax base and the more rural I-95 corridor has a lower tax base thus creating some economically deprived counties in the lower part of the state. Mr. Wiley stated the I-95 corridor includes Allendale, Bamberg and Hampton Counties. Mr. Wiley stated he proposed the Emerging Scholars Program not to change the schools within these counties but to change the “product” attending these schools.
The Emerging Scholars Program is a 3 year program that begins at the end of the 9th grade. Students spend one week at Clemson University after their 9th grade year, two weeks after their 10th grade year and 3 weeks after their 11th grade year. The program also provides assistance to students throughout their 10th, 11th and 12th grade years. The cost for this three year program is $5,000.00 per student and is funded through donations and supplemented by Clemson University. The three week summer session creates a college freshman environment where students actually attend classes taught by the University faculty.
Mr. Wiley stated during the program, he actually reveals to these students the secret to success in college which is being able to read and write on the college level. Mr. Wiley stated that 70% of the students that begin this program will complete the program. He stated that 90% of that 70% will apply to different Colleges and Universities. Mr. Wiley stated there are 4 students attending Clemson University that are products of this program.
Mr. Wiley concluded his talk by saying that the drop out rate in Allendale, Bamberg and Hampton Counties can be as high as 20% and in six years there have only been two students who completed this program to drop out of school. Mr. Wiley stated, “I can’t change schools but I can change students.”
President Beetle thanked Mr. Wiley for speaking to the club. After many “Happy Dollars”, President Beetle adjourned the meeting