Thursday, February 28, 2008

Feb 27, 2008

The February 27 meeting of the Lake Murray-Irmo Rotary Club was highlighted by a presentation entitled "Generational Differences." Speaker was Emmett Scully, president of Synergetic Inc. The present work force is composed of four distinct generations--Traditionalists (over 60), Baby Boomers (ages 45-60), Generations X-ers (ages 30-45), and Millennials (under 30). Many differences are found among these groups as a whole, although individuals within these groups may vary from the stereotypes. Areas of differences include work ethic, desire for time away from work, technological capability, and team orientation. Being aware of these differences can be helpful in creating a positive work environment and building loyalty for employees of all ages. Reporter - Rosalie Browning

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Feb 20 2008

Rick Moore Presents a Rotary District matching check to President Beetle.

Our speaker, Gene Mellow, with Blount Shepard, President Beetle, and Stan Bugner



Meeting called to order by President Beetle Bailey. John Hanson introduced visitors Ben Harley (Chapin Club) and Steve Caldwell (guest of Joel Collins). Steve is an employee of D.J.J.

Lyman Whitehead shared his thoughts and wisdom with stories of Health and Happiness. Carey Hite announced that he had just celebrated his 29th wedding anniversary.

Patty Cavanaugh announced that the GSC Cruise on the Patriot had been changed to an event at the Night Harbor Club House.

Rick Moore, title????, for District 7770, reviewed information about simplified grants and our District’s participation.

Beetle presented plaques of appreciation to John Adair and Carey Hite.

Blount Shepperd introduced speaker Gene Mellow who shared a wealth of information with respect to alternative fuels. He is an engineer with Linde Corporation. His business focus is on hydrogen fuel technology. He also shared technical information and possible alternatives for energy and transportation for the future.

President Beetle Bailey adjourned the meeting.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Feb 13 2008

President Beetle Bailey called the meeting to order. After initial invocation and the pledge of allegiance, president Beetle Bailey announced about the availability of foundation points for the Paul Harris Award and thanked Lynn (I believe he meant Lynn Campbell) for 20 years of service to the foundation. Perfect attendance awards for 2007 were then given to several recipients. Beetle then announced about the upcoming state meeting and the board meeting. While the audio-visual apparatus was being set up, one member raised the need for a portable screen rather than using the wall for image projection. Ms Kelly payne of Interact Club mentioned that Chapin and Irmo high schools did not participate as enthusiastically as Dutch Fork high school in the Interact Club activities. "Road Clean up " event was mentioned and members were encouraged to participate in the next such event.
John Wilkins then introduced the speaker, Nancy Tuten of the Animal Protection League(APL). Ms. Nancy Tuten, who is a professor at Columbia college, then educated the attendees about APL. APL was started in 1982. The biggest concern for the APL was to address the undesirable option of euthanasia to control explosive growth of cats and dogs over a few years into hundreds of thousands before spaying and neutering clinics intervened to control growth of cats and dogs. APL developed "no kill" shelters. APL is a non profit organization and its animal shelter is currently located in a rather old rented facility outside the city. When neglected and abandoned animals are picked up by the APL staff, there is a laborious process of record keeping and systematic way of housing these animals. This is done with a fairly meagre annual budget of $150,000.00, coming mostly from various grants, donations, black pearls, USC concessions and annual auctions. While recognizing medical care for these animlas to be the biggest expense, Ms. Tuten acknowledged free care from several veternarians. Ms. Tuten then told some sad stories of human cruelty towards animals and also some happy endings for other animals as a result of some caring persons who adopted these animals. Ms Tuten then mentioned websites and for those interested in additional information.
There being no further business, president Beetle Bailey rang the bell for adjournment.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Your Rotary Interact Club

Adopt a Highway Feb 9 2008

A beautiful day as nature cooperated and we had a great Rotary turnout for our Adopt a Highway event. Blount Shepard prepared the usual feast. Kelly Payne roused a dozen teenagers out of bed before 8 am on a Saturday. How does she do it? Thanks to all involved for our project's success. Pictures by Kelly Payne.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Feb 6, 2008

February 6, 2008

Reporter Si Amick

President Bailey called upon Kevin Adams to open the meeting with a word of prayer followed by the pledge of allegiance. John Hanson asked that all remember to contribute to the cart fund each week and then introduced the visitors. He also called upon Chris Polson to introduce his guest Ms. Hargrove. Our own Lyman Whitehead did a wonderful job with health and happiness as usual.

Kelly Pain announced there will be a need for host families in March for the SC Student Council Meetings. Please contact Kelly if you have an interest in helping out. She also asked for our support at the next School Board Meeting in supporting the activation of the Alive at Five program at both Irmo and Chapin High Schools. The meeting will be Monday the 11th at Dutch Fork High School.

CONGRATULATIONS to Kelly for her 2nd Lt. appointment with the South Carolina State Guard.

There will be a GSE trip to England this year so all that have an interest please let President Bailey know at your earliest convenience.

Adopt a Highway is Saturday so please plan on being there for the work, fun and fellowship. A special thanks to Blount for always providing a nourishing breakfast.

Dr. Carey Hite introduced the guest speakers from Pelion High School’s FFA (Future Farmers of America) Club. The students covered many topics to include identification and aging of wildlife in South Carolina. This group of students was not only very knowledgeable and did a great job presenting their topics, but have been at the top of their class in State and National competitions. They placed 1st this year in the State and 2nd in the State Soil CDE which will qualify them to compete in the National Competition.

The FFA stresses leadership skills in the community and community support through community service. It also teaches valuable skills that young people will need to be successful leaders as adults. If more of our young men and women would get involved in quality programs like this, what a difference it would make not only in their lives, but in society as a whole.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Jan 30, 2008

President Beetle with our newest member, Emily Keene.

The meeting was called to order by Beetle Bailey. John Hanson introduced our guest. Eddie Robinson introduced and inducted our club’s newest member, Emily Keene.

Joel Price introduced our speaker, Jack Galvin, who is in charge of the U. S. Postal Inspectors for South Carolina. Jack was quiet entertaining in his presentation of what Postal Inspectors do on a daily basis. The Postal Inspection Service is the oldest law enforcement agency in the United States. The agency was started by Benjamin Franklin. The agency currently employs 2,000 agents nation wide. The main focus of this agency is protecting the mail. Jack explained that since the anthrax incident the U. S. post Office has employed equipment that test the mail going through the system for any type of substance and have conducted over 50 million test to date with zero positive readings. Postal Inspectors do everything from looking into people destroying mailboxes to individuals using the mail system to distribute drugs. Jack, ask to return to our club based on having us as a way of alerting the general population of fraudulent activities that are usually done through the postal service.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Alive at 25 banquet

Our interact sponsor, Kelly Payne, and Rotary club member, Theresa Miley, attended the Alive at 25 Banquest with Interact members in November. Message from Kelly: Last night the Interact Club students, Theresa Miley, and myself attended the SCNSC's 1st annual Alive @ 25 Benefit Dinner. DFHS and three students were recognized for piloting the program. Theresa sent me the pictures if you all would like to use some for the Rotary Blog