with Health and Happiness. Patty Cavanaugh and Bob Berry awarder Paul Harris fellow awards to Bill Brooks and Howard Crawford. Congratulations !
Patty Cavanaugh, Bob Berry, and new Paul Harris Fellows Bill Brooks and Harold Crawford.
Bill Danielson introduced our speaker, Jane Brundage of Pets Inc. Jane accentuated the problem of pet overpopulation in our local counties. When abandonded pets are found there are two primary choices : animal control or Pets Inc. Pets Inc. will place 3000 animals in 2008 at $90/ animal. Their budget is $1,100,000 annually. Pets Inc is responsible for funding their budget themselves. There are two major sources of self funding . Te first is running a thrift shop. The thrift store generates $170,000 / year. Pets Inc also runs a non-profit pet shop. 100 % of the money goes to support the missipn of Pets Inc. The pet food is the best quality available according to Jane. She hopes the public will support the pet store , and adopt a pet whenever possible.
Beetle adjourned the meeting.