Wednesday, April 30, 2008

April 30 2008

Meeting was called to order by president Beetle Bailey. Lynn Richards gave the invocation. Lyman Whitehead followed
with Health and Happiness. Patty Cavanaugh and Bob Berry awarder Paul Harris fellow awards to Bill Brooks and Howard Crawford. Congratulations !

Patty Cavanaugh, Bob Berry, and new Paul Harris Fellows Bill Brooks and Harold Crawford.

Bill Danielson introduced our speaker, Jane Brundage of Pets Inc. Jane accentuated the problem of pet overpopulation in our local counties. When abandonded pets are found there are two primary choices : animal control or Pets Inc. Pets Inc. will place 3000 animals in 2008 at $90/ animal. Their budget is $1,100,000 annually. Pets Inc is responsible for funding their budget themselves. There are two major sources of self funding . Te first is running a thrift shop. The thrift store generates $170,000 / year. Pets Inc also runs a non-profit pet shop. 100 % of the money goes to support the missipn of Pets Inc. The pet food is the best quality available according to Jane. She hopes the public will support the pet store , and adopt a pet whenever possible.

Beetle adjourned the meeting.

Bill Danielson and our speaker, Jane Brundage of Pets Inc.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

April 23 2008

Meeting was opened by President Bailey
Visitors: Reid Danielson, Jerry Coulter, Dr Fred Splitberger(St Andrews Club),
Rotary Scholars: Samantha Martin, Ashley Rhoderick
Health and Happiness: Lyman Whitehead: "Religion day w/ Sister Mary"
Stan Berger reported that Clean Up Day was a success with over two dozen interact students participating.
Judy Johnson announced the Babcock Center " Hole in One " tournament scheduled for this weekend.
Rod Funderbuck introduced our Rotary Scholars to address the club.
Samantha Martin will be going to London"Derry", Republic of Ireland for advanced studies. She presently resides in Jacksonville, Florida. Her focus during her trip is to explore the culture of the Emerald Isle/UK, make friends, examine conflict theories and explore solutions. Her challenges: culture shock, to be a real Ambassador not just a tourist/traveler/student, really understand "English", to tolerate the not too sunny climate and to try to learn to like beer.
Ashley Rhoderick will be going to Cairo, Egypt as a Cultural Scholar for three months. She is a senior at USC and a native of Middleton, Md. (pop: 2,668, founded: 1767) She is a chemical engineer, member of AICE, Campus Crusade for Christ, Tau Beta Pi honor society.
She said that Cairo is a city of 16 million people, primarily Muslim(90% Sunni, 9% Christian). Egypt has a population of 74 million. She will study at the American University in Cairo, Arabic Language Institute, with 4 thousand students 81% are Egyptian. She will be staying with an Egyptian family looking for Engineering opportunities abroad. Ashley will intern with the Campus Crusade for Christ, Middle East for 7 months.
Shortly after President Beetle adjourned the meeting.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008

April 16 2008

Richard Eckstrom, Cultural Scholar Candidate Courtney Gibson, Rod Funderburke

Carey Hite and Maria Hargrave - our newest Rotarian

Jeanette Coulter presents husband Jerry with a Paul Harris Fellowship

Interact Sponsor Kelly Payne Keeps the Kids Involved


On April 12, 16 students from the Dutch Fork High School Rotary/Interact Club and
Irmo High School paired with Union Methodist Church and the Home Works of America
program for a great cause. Together the teens and adults replaced a roof on a local
Irmo residents home. Building character and communities is the mission of this
program that restores hope to the elderly and disadvantaged homeowners in our state.
This program allows various church groups and community service organizations to
join forces not only in prayer but also in action by allowing individuals to share
their faith with one another, to work together and to pray together.

Dutch Fork High School Rotary/Interact Sponsor Kelly Payne
Home Works of America Executive Director and founder Hank Chardos

Home Works
PO Box 102
Irmo, SC 29063
(803) 781-4536

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

April 9 2008



APRIL 9, 2008

The meeting was called to Order by President Beetle Bailey

Rod Funderburk gave the innovation

Lyman Whitehead provided some health and happiness

Bill Brooks introduced the guest speaker, Jan Cox, Executive Director of the South Carolina Cotton Museum located in Bishopville, South Carolina which also happens to be the home of the legendary Doc Blanchard. The Cotton Museum also does a number of things for veterans including helping create a digital tape history by veterans which is sent to the library of congress. Jan pointed out that 86% of all cotton fiber in SC is now being shipped to China. The museum maintains the records of the history of cotton in SC. The first cotton is SC was grown on Sea Island. First Cotton farmer in SC was Joseph West. Eli Whitney was a school teacher in SC. He stated that SC cotton was just as good as Egyptian cotton. He invited the members to visit the museum in Bishopville.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

April 2nd 2008

Teresa Miley, Paula Matthers, President Beetle

Dutch Fork Interact

Our speaker, Jeff Davis with President Beetle

Kevin Meetze, Darin Bouknight, Mary Lou Stenson, Eddie Robinson

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

March 26, 2008

Rotary Minutes

March 26th 2008

President Beetle Bailey opened our meeting and Chuck Larson delivered the invocation. John Hanson introduced our guest and Lyman Whitehead gave us another dose of health and happiness. President Bailey opened the meeting for Happy Dollars and we had several. Joe with the South Carolina Golf Association thanked our club for supporting Jr Golf here in SC over the last few years. He also discussed their fundraising efforts and what the funds go towards. He also mentioned the new Golf First license plate available for residence of SC. President Bailey made a donation of $1,500 to the SC Golf Foundation from our club. President Bailey also mentioned the Rotary license plates that are available. Please see President Bailey for more information.

Stan Bugner introduced our speaker, YaKima Rhinehart, the executive director of College Summit South Carolina. College Summit of SC is an organization that assists at risk high school students with the application process and financial aid process. They hold workshops around the state to guide these students and mentor them in the college application process.

To find out more about College Summit you can log on to there website:

The meeting was adjourned.