Lake Murray Irmo Rotary Club meets every Wednesday morning at 7:30 Seven Oaks Park, 200 Leisure Lane, Columbia SC 29210
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Jan 13 2010
Health and Happiness - Beetle Bailey celebrates a birthday..............isn't he always celebrating something?
Joke of the day included a limp duck and a veterinarian.
Blount Sheppard - Next road clean up is Feb 13th.
Meals on Wheels - sign up to volunteer.
Board Meeting - this Friday at Panera Bread
Our new Secretary unveiled - Jay Seward
Classification Talk - Bill Brooks
Bike Rally Project - Jeff Baldwin separated us into our groups to prepare for the upcoming bike rally.
Meeting Adjourned
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Jan 6 2010
Lake Murray –Irmo Rotary Club Meeting Report for January 6, 2010
The Meeting was called to order by President Ginny Barr promptly at 7:30 AM. The invocation was offered by John Adair. The day’s speaker, Dr. Kay Shaw, was introduced by President Barr. Dr.Shaw’s subject was “Personal Pathways” , a systematic approach to affording guidance to public school students in selecting a course of study which aligns with their vocational interests. She provided interesting insights into how the students can be guided in their course of study to obtain the maximum benefit of their education in preparing them for vocations that they indicate an interest and Aptitude in. Dr. Shaw explained the “Personal Pathways” approach to guiding students in their course of studies so that their education facilitates their preparation for pursuit of their vocational interests and help them achieve professional capabilities that align with their Inherent interests and inclinations. Student records of career interests were shown for some 16 career areas. The top areas for the past two years were Health Sciences, the Arts and Science, Technology and Engineering.
Using this systematic approach to student guidance is a means of giving students an individualized approach to graduation plans that matches their interests and capabilities.