Saturday, December 19, 2009

December 16 2009

President Ginny called the meeting to order, Marylou Stinson led us in prayer and pledge; Jacqueline Kleynenberg conducted health and happiness and Happy Dollar. Darren Bouknight recognized our guests. Several announcements regarding club programs were made; Blount Sheppard informed our group the Adopt A Highway project for this Saturday is postponed due to the expected weather. Jim Wellman asked for volunteers to sign up to deliver Meal On Wheels.

President Ginny recognized our Club members with perfect attendance records. For this past year those recognized were:
John Adair, Beetle Bailey, Bill Brooks, Patty Cavanaugh, Reid Danielson, John Hanson, Judy Johnson, Eddie Robinson, Jay Seward, Larry Stohs and Jim Wellman.
Lyman Whitehead 16 year’s of perfect attendance!
Janette Coulter 19 years!
Lynn Campbell 20 years!

President Ginny then introduced the Department of Juvenile Justice Interact Club members to recognize their accomplishment of winning the Rotary Fall Video Contest. We viewed the video and then were spoken to by three DJJ Interact members who expressed their appreciation to our Club for the support and how much they feel this opportunity is helping them make progress in changing their lives.

We then broke into planning groups for the “Club Assembly” to prepare for the great bike ride project.

The meeting was then adjourned.

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