Thursday, June 09, 2011

June 8 2011

Here are the notes that I have from the meeting this morning:

The meeting was called to order by President Dr. Judy Johnson followed by the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.  President Johnson made announcements about upcoming Rotary events, and announced that the Small Gifts and Grants committee awarded $300.00 to Deputy Mark Ryan of the Richland County Sheriff’s Department.  John Adair announced that next week’s speaker is an Army veteran of the Iraq/Afghanistan conflict.

Ginny Barr presented Paul Harris Fellows to Jason Baldwin, Barbara Crawford, Herb Harrison and Kristen Danielson.

Mickey Epting gave his classification speech.

Lyman Whitehead introduced the guest speakers for the meeting, Representatives Chip Huggins and Nathan Ballentine.  They spoke about current legislation including the deal, government restructuring and re-districting.  Both of the speakers took many questions from the club membership.

Respectfully submitted,

Brian Buck

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