Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July 14 2010

Happy Wednesday morning!

We had a great meeting this morning and, thanks to Scott Middleton, President and CEO of AGAPE, we learned a lot about Medicare and Medicaid.  Thanks Jeanette, for arranging such an informative program.  This morning we were all reminded about our blog site, that is being maintained by Dr. Carey Hite (a big T H A N K  Y O U, Carey).  The site has been recently updated with lots and lots of pictures.  In case you don't remember how to get to the blog go to  Rod Funderburk is working our our website and will let us know when it is ready.  Thanks, Rod.
Finally. our District Governor, Rick Moore, will be visiting our Club on Wednesday, August 4.  Please,  plan on attending this meeting.  Rick will be joining several of us on the Spirit of Lake Murray the evening before for a dinner cruise.  The cost is $25 per person and is being sponsored by the Greater Irmo Chamber of Commerce.  Tickets are selling fast so please contact GICC at 749-9355 to get tickets.
Yours in Rotary Service,
Judy E. Johnson


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