Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 1, 2012

Meeting was called to order by President Larry Stohs at 7:49AM. Invocation was delivered by Dr. Lynn

Sargeant-At-Arms, Gerry Brossard, introduced our guests: Sally Connor from the St. Andrews Club,
Phillip Stokes, Bobby Grant, and Tina and Autumn Warner.

Jacqueline Buck delivered Health and Happiness.

Blount Shepard announced Adopt-A-Highway will be held Saturday August 25 th at his office location.
Shrimp and grits will be served at 8:00AM and road pickup will be from 8:45-9:30.

Stacey Atkinson noted that Club polo shirts are for sale. A flyer to be distributed amongst the members
will be printed with price and colors.

Bentley Murrell stated that Okra Strut will be held the weekend of September 28 th. Okra Man will be
present. The Fundraising Committee is working to find a fundraising project for this event.

Brooks Williams introduced the speaker, Alan Shoemaker, to the group. Alan is a graduate from the
University of South Carolina and served as the Curator of Mammals with the Riverbanks Zoo from 1972
to 2002. He has authored over 125 papers and visited 37 countries and all 50 states. He is a member of
the St. Andrews Club. Alan shared his African Safari journey with club.

Meeting was adjourned with the Four Way Test at 8:35AM.

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